I have written 35ish blogs it would seem.  

Well, I’ll be!  

As I went through the titles, I thought about what I was trying to impart. Did they touch lives, souls, hearts? Did it make any difference?

One of my primary goals in this life is to make a difference in people’s lives for the better.  

I’m an encourager… it comes easily to me. I want both men and women to be stronger, filled with more hope and the courage to “press on”!

Life can be hard, just plain hard sometimes, and what we need is simply someone to sit with us, be with us, stay with us.

Then when life circumstances bring joy we often want someone to laugh with, dance with, rejoice with!  

However, often there are alone times when it’s just God and us: quiet moments, reflective times where He speaks in His ‘still small voice’.  

We need to listen with all our attention, so we do not miss the point that He is trying to impart to us.

Our lives are diverse with all manner of things happening and sometimes all at once!

That’s when we utilize the courage which we gathered in those quiet moments!  

Life is tricky to maneuver and I can’t imagine doing it alone.  

God. Family. Friends.  

This helps make us well-rounded folk.

My church family, my ladies from Bible study, my camp friends, my family who can visit now and then, these are ‘my people.’  suport network

We need these folks in our world because we are not an island.  

I do hope you have people in your life to encourage you, hold your hand, give you “high fives” along the journey.  

Cherish these relationships. They are invaluable and invigorating!

Those helpful hints I pass on about life and how to get through the maze, they are good, but we have to be in the right place, at the right time to receive them.  

It may not be now, but it could be next week or next month.  

So, dear souls, press on for His glory and joy!

Make it through the hard times and come out the other side even better!

Sure, we’ll have scrapes, bruises and maybe broken hearts, but we do live.

There is hope!

I’m a Life Coach, a dealer in hope!  

May this week bring you joy, peace, and the hope you need to stay the course.

Need someone to walk with you?

I’m here!

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